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Martha Connerton
Kinetic Works

Videos and Books
Available for Purchase

Simon and the Snowy Road
A DanceAlong Book and Companion Video
by Martha Connerton
Book: Take a daydream journey through the Middle of Nowhere as a young boy encounters several tricksters before he finds someone he can trust to lead him back home.
Video: A cast of students demonstrates creative movement ideas as they dance along with the story, promoting active learning and listening.

Books and Videos
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MC/Kinetic Works
1609 Nassau Blvd.
Charlotte, NC. 28205
KINETYX Dance Ensemble
Active Learning Performances
DVDS of our award-winning educational shows.
Choose from:
click to see samplers
"Science in Motion"
"Movin' Into Math" Part I
"Movin' Into Math" Part II
"Around the World in 60 Minutes"
Creative Movement Workbook
Active learning activities for
Pre-K through First Grade
Promote kinesthetic awareness while learning social skills, motor skills, patterning, sequencing, directions/positions, natural phenomena, action and describing words, shapes, animals, numbers and more.

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